Dario wins Best of Breed at 2017 Westminster Kennel Club show
Dario wins Best of Breed at 2017 Westminster KC show the second year in a row! I showed him myself this year and we had a great time showing in the group at Madison Square Garden.
Dario - Best of Breed at 2016 Westminster KC show!!
February 15, 2016 - Dario wins Best of Breed at Westminster KC show, and becomes internationally famous after his antics during the Group judging! He wins the hearts of the crowd - click links to see Dario
New Champion - Fabian von Alpensee
July 2015 - Simba (Fabian von Alpensee) finished his Championship at the Bloomsburg, PA shows!! Congratulations to owner Gopa for his hard work!
Dario - new Grand Champion
June 2015 - Dario earned his Grand Championship by taking BOB at the Mid-Hudson Kennel Club shows in New Paltz, NY both Saturday and Sunday
2015 LCA National Specialty - Frankenmuth, MI - April 27-May 1
LCA Club Show - Dario is Best of Opposite Sex under Guido Perosino!!
LCA AKC Regional Specialty in conjunction with the National Specialty - Dario is BOB and Fiesta is BOS under judge James Taylor!!